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Energy Services
AGAT Laboratories is the leader in the delivery of laboratory services related to the petroleum industry. Our state-of-the-art facilities deliver results that can be counted on.
AGAT Laboratories offers a wide spectrum of laboratory services tailored to meet the needs and demands of the petroleum industry in upstream, midstream and downstream processes. Energy companies can also consolidate their environmental analysis and air quality monitoring programs with services from our environmentally focused divisions.
Following are the divisions of our operations that provide full-service analysis to all industries in the Energy Sector:

Pipeline Services
AGAT Laboratories has expanded its petroleum testing facility in Edmonton, built to service both the upstream and midstream sectors of Alberta. Amongst other things…
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Core & Materials Testing
Energy exploration services specializing in Routine Core, Oilsands, Geology and Reservoir Characterization to provide engineering data for reservoir management.
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Petroleum Testing Services
Gas, condensate, crude oil and produced water testing. Field sampling services for routine sampling, regulatory requirements, meter calibrations and more.
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Lubricants Testing
Mechanical diagnostic services for engines and operational equipment. Coolants, lubricants, hydraulic and transmission fluid analysis.
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Air Quality Monitoring
Source emissions testing, ambient air monitoring, meteorological monitoring, passive air monitoring and data acquisition.
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Environmental Chemistry
Water, soil, sludge and waste analysis for environmental monitoring and regulations. Mould, bacteria and other chemical testing on a variety of matrices.
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The Energy Sector
Value-added Services
AGAT Laboratories’ offers many value-added services to enhance the efficiency of business operations, saving you time and money. We strive to enhance our business relationship with our clients by offering them the following tools to operate at the highest levels of efficiency.
Our value-added services include the following:
- Dedicated Client Project Managers
- Food Testing consulting services
- Continous research and development
- Pre-labelled sample containers
- Sample Integrity Report Program
- Innovative e-services
- Efficient turn-around times
- Scope of presence
- Extensive technical resources

Séminaires 2025 Science et Technologie
AGAT Laboratoires vous invite à assister à ses séminaires techniques 2025 à Montréal et à Québec. Un cocktail sera offert à la fin de la journée. Les présentations couvriront un éventail de sujets novateurs liés aux projets environnementaux. Les conférenciers sont des professionnels reconnus ayant plusieurs années d’expérience dans leur domaine d’expertise.

AGAT Laboratories Ltd. acquires Avalon Laboratories Inc.
AGAT Laboratories Ltd. is pleased to announce the acquisition of Avalon Laboratories Inc., a leading commercial laboratory based in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador. Avalon Laboratories over the years specialized in medical, environmental, and energy services, offering advanced microbiology and toxicology analyses. Presently their labs are servicing environmental, food processing, fish harvesting, aquaculture, transportation, and forestry sectors.

Calgary Science and Technology Seminar 2025
We invite you to join us for AGAT’s upcoming Science & Technology Seminars 2025 taking place in Calgary, AB. This year’s itinerary has an incredible selection of industry leaders and accomplished professionals across Canada.

AGAT International Ltd. Announces First U.S. Location in Greater Phoenix, Arizona
AGAT International Ltd., through its U.S. subsidiary AGAT Laboratories Inc., has acquired Flower Scientific, a testing lab in Tempe, Arizona. This marks AGAT’s first U.S. lab, focusing on Water Quality, Contaminants, and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) testing. The new lab will expand AGAT’s U.S. presence, replicating its Canadian services and reinforcing its position as a global leader in analytical testing solutions.

AGAT Laboratories Acquires Stratum Reservoir (Canada)
May 4, 2023 AGAT Laboratories Ltd. (‘AGAT’) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Canadian Operations of Stratum Reservoir (Canada), ULC (‘Stratum’) a highly reputable industry leader in reservoir characterization, applied geosciences and advanced analysis and interpretation of rocks and fluids. The Stratum acquisition, which in Canada was the former Hycal and Weatherford labs,

Techtalks 2023
AGAT’s National Tech Talks – Alberta & Ontario AGAT is proud to bring opportunities for furthering education on hot industry topics showcasing the highly specialized work done in the Environmental and Energy fields as well as content that supports us all in our business and personal lives. Stay tuned every season for events across Canada
About WebFLUIDS: WebFLUIDS includes an extensive database of historical results which can export into an FIS system. It allows us to provide you with PAS submission files for your well operation group who can then submit it to the ERCB. Any reports are accessible as PDFs which can be e-mailed as completed. Data files will be CSV in a PROTREND format.
WebFLUIDS can upload directly into Fieldview, PVR or other client-developed systems eliminating the costly and labour-intensive effort of manually entering data. With the automated uploading of analysis into production accounting software, revenue calculations can be completed at a lower cost. The program’s anomaly and flagging capabilities ensure the latest and most representative analytical data is being used in revenue calculations and allocations.
About WebOILSANDS: Analytical data is available any time from any location through our internally-designed software package WebOILSANDS for our heavy oil customers. This secure online data access tool combines our Oilsands Reporting System (OSRS) with the power of the internet. The OSRS integrates photo capture, preliminary analytical results, work flow processing, standard and custom report generation with data quality checking. With this program you can view the status of your wells, monitor turn-around times and graph trends related to specific concentrations and elements.