AGAT’s National Tech Talks – Alberta & Ontario
AGAT is proud to bring opportunities for furthering education on hot industry topics showcasing the highly specialized work done in the Environmental and Energy fields as well as content that supports us all in our business and personal lives. Stay tuned every season for events across Canada both LIVE and VIRTUAL where we will bring you educational content and accomplished speakers from all over Canada who present on a suite of relevant industry topics that are applicable to continuing educational credit.
Please click the link for more information on our past events!
le AGAT Tech Talks will return as a week-long series of morning sessions (7 AM to 10 AM), scheduled to take place on the week of March 20–24, 2023. Abstract submissions should anticipate presentations of no more than 25 minutes in length, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session. Please click on the images below to read more about the specific details associated with our AGAT Tech Talks Seminar Series taking place in Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec.