
AGAT’s National Tech Talks Seminar Series

Join us both VIRUTALLY and LIVE for AGAT’s yearly series of Tech Talks.

Our educational series brings together individuals from various disciplines and industries to share the latest in scientific and technological advances encompassing both the Environmental and Energy sectors. We are focused on providing content that reflects not only the highly specialized work done in our country in the fields of environmental science and technology, but also incorporate information that supports us all in our business and personal lives. Every season, we put together strong roster of accomplished professionals from across Canada who will present on a suite of topics we hope you will find both interesting and educational.


Each year AGAT’s VIRTUAL AGAT Laboratories Tech Talks National event is hosted by Kelly Howard, Director of National Accounts, Strategic Development from our Michael DeSanti Broadcast center. Every season brings together an audience of up to 500 virtual attendees for a one week event showcasing interactive presentations each morning for a week long seminar of hot industry topics. These talks cover a wide range of scientifically related content and presenters are a testament to a thriving and vibrant science and environmental community all across Canada. Many of the speakers film their sessions at the Michael DeSanti Centre, and in certain cases remote recording is accomplished virtually.  These presentations are then showcased in a live streaming format complete with interactive question periods with our accomplished speakers.

The AGAT Tech Talks and AGAT Foundation are two initiatives that have come together to reach a broad audience of viewership that can both educate and garner support for key charitable initiatives. The webinars feature presentations and discussions by experts in various fields, with proceeds from the event going toward support of a variety of wonderful charities including the Canadian Food Bank and the Alberta Cancer Foundations Patient Financial Assistance Program. Through this collaboration, AGAT Tech Talks and AGAT Foundation aim to make a positive impact on our local communities by promoting education and social support.


Our in-person series are held in key locations throughout Canada through the season and allow for quality industry networking with local professionals in a theatre presentation setup alongside breakfast, and/or lunch.  These sessions also incorporate bringing together LIVE industry experts in their fields to discuss key and important topics covering a wide range of scientifically related content and educational information and allow for live discussions through both question periods and informative panel opportunities.

Check back here for updates on upcoming events or click below for past seasons presentation rosters:

For information on upcoming or past seasons presentation rosters please click below:





Our Canada-wide Divisional Seminars

AGAT Laboratories is pleased to provide you with technical information sessions. These value-added training seminars are designed to provide the most recent technical information and can be customized for any of your service needs. They can be conducted on-site at any suitable office location or in any one of AGAT Laboratories’ facilities across the country.

For more information on the seminars we provide, click here.

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