Health, Safety & Environment
Health and Safety
AGAT Laboratories believes that Health and Safety is more than a series of policies and procedures designed to satisfy corporate governance or legislative requirements. Health and Safety is a philosophy that is essential to the successful operation of each of our locations.
AGAT Laboratories’ award-winning Health and Safety Program provides health and safety guidelines for all of our employees as well as to our clients. This program is designed to ensure compliance with legislative standards as well as for continuous improvements to the safety initiatives of our operations.
Through the designation of safety representatives and the implementation of weekly Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) meetings in all laboratories, we ensure that the highest standards of safety are being met. These meetings work to maintain our programs for accident prevention, hazard identification, and incident and near miss reporting.
The Environment
Committed to environmentally friendly initiatives, AGAT Laboratories conducts all activities in accordance with current environmental regulations and standards. We recognize that in order to make our environmental goals a reality, there must be active participation and support from all employees within the organization. To ensure that our environmental programs are followed, we regularly communicate and reinforce all related objectives to our employees so that our goals and requirements are understood and followed by all levels within the organization.
Through these management systems, AGAT Laboratories continues its commitment to sound environmental practices and the observance of applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Commitment to Accessibility
AGAT Laboratories is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and we will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request.
Feedback Process
Customers can provide feedback on AGAT Labs goods, services or facilities by using the below email, mailing address, phone number, or going in person to any one of our locations. All feedback will follow our managing client interactions policy. Documentation outlining our feedback process is available upon request. Accessible formats and communication supports are also available upon request.
AGAT Laboratories
2905 12th Street NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 7J2
Phone: 403-736-2000 – ask for Marketing
Fax: 403-736-2001
List of Our Locations
Click here to download our Accessibility Plan.
Click here to download our Health and Safety Policy (English & French versions)